Investing your money in an educational enterprise is a promising proposal as it is a prospering sector with an extending demand for schools.
If you are exploring the idea of opening your own school, investing in an existing school or expanding the curriculum of your school but are daunted by the whole procedure.
This toolkit empowers entrepreneurs, private investors, governmental branches, consultants, Presidents, etc.... to make Education Investment work.
What do people think about when they hear the name of your school? If your school doesn’t have a brand that evokes strong and memorable ideas and images of what your school is about, you are missing an opportunity to attract and connect with potential new students and their families.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
What regulations and guidelines do you need to comply with when running a school? Will your school operate as a for-profit or non-profit institution, and what are the implications of each?
This is a very country specific topics. Contact us for personalized advice
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
A business plan is an essential part of the planning process, helping identify goals and metrics and your plan to achieve them.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
Connecting with prospect candidates and their key sponsors (parents and guardians) is one of the challenging tasks of the marketing and student recruitment departments.
As today's applicants aren't following the traditional "marketing to sales to customer" funnel, these teams need to be in tight alignment, because your prospect needs to be communicated with, and sold to, wherever and whenever she wants.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
The academic and functional success of any institution is heavily impacted by the atmosphere and physical makeup of its facilities.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
When it comes to education, there are many people involved in the educational institutions that help in successfully imparting education to the students. These include both academic and non-academic workforce.
Every staff member has to play their part and contribute to your school culture. How to identify talent? And how to attract the right teachers?
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
What funding will be required for your school? Why? Explore ideas for where initial and ongoing funding can come from, and reminders on some basic finance resources.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
Do you have a certain focus or specialty in mind already for your school?
Many curriculum decisions just come down to what you’d like to see your school look like, and it is an essential part in the process of planning and conceptualizing your future school.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
The right policies & procedures will keep your school operations productive.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
The relationship and the collaboration processes between universities and industrial companies present an undeniable advantage to schools, their students and their community.
Whether it is through partnerships, industry-sponsored research agreements and university-related start-up companies or research parks, this is a link you will want to build.
Get started with our toolkit insights and templates:
For extra insights and templates, we have put together a Professional toolkit. Contact us for more information.
With this toolkit, you will be able to do most by yourself.
However, for maximum effectiveness and speed of implementation, our experts can help moderate workshops with your team leaders and guide them through the process.
The various techniques and tools proposed in the toolkit are used and explored further during our training sessions.
View the upcoming training session or contact us if you are interested in hosting a dedicated training session for your company.
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