We help your institution research, analyze, and evaluate its existing programs as well as to design, implement, and evaluate new programs and curricula.
The curriculum is designed by leveraging EHL’s insight and experience in hospitality education and tailoring the program to meet the institution’s needs from a local and regional standpoint.
Program and Curriculum development are designed to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for success in their chosen field. By assessing current and emerging educational needs, institutions can create programs and curricula that are tailored to the needs of their students and ensure that they are receiving the best possible education.
By providing new, innovative programs and curricula, institutions can appeal to a wider variety of students and attract them to their educational offerings. Cutting-edge courses, degree programs, and initiatives can draw in potential students and increase enrollment.
By actively involving faculty in the creation of new programs and curricula, institutions can ensure that the educational offerings reflect the ideas and needs of their faculty members. By having their ideas heard and implemented, faculty members can feel more engaged and satisfied with their institution.
By developing and implementing cutting-edge programs and curricula, institutions can demonstrate their commitment to providing quality education, which can improve their reputation and visibility.
By providing relevant, meaningful learning experiences that are tailored to individual students' needs and interests, institutions can ensure that students are engaged and satisfied with their educational experience.
The VET by EHL licensing model offers organizations and training centers around the world the opportunity to deliver plug and play hospitality programs and administer EHL-approved professional diplomas.
It has been designed as a scalable, affordable and attractive learning solution for students interested in working in the hospitality industry as well as adults who have opted for a career change.
Our experienced team will work closely with key stakeholders to discuss and identify the institution’s learning philosophy.
We will prepare and share a detailed curriculum document that outlines
To ensure the success of the program, we also offer coaching and mentoring to the institute’s faculty for designing their respective course plans and delivery content.
Our experienced team will work closely with key stakeholders to discuss and identify the institution’s learning philosophy.
We will prepare and share a detailed document that outlines
We will also provide coaching and mentoring of the institute’s faculty to design their respective course plans and delivery content.
Based on the Swiss Competency Framework - regarded as one of the best education models in the world - this blended skills training model is characterized by a strong learning outcomes approach and a competence-oriented structure of training content.
VET-by-EHL programs can be structured based on 2 distinct models:
The licensed model is composed of the below modules or streams that can be implemented independently & according to the institution's specific needs.
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